Photo Gallery

Photos taken at some recent or significant MI Region Activities & Events

This is an opportunity to view individual images, slideshows and videos that show Michigan Region members and their cars participating in various club activities and events.  Some are grouped into categories so they may be composites of several individual days of a single activity or several instances of an annual event. 

This Photo Gallery page uses several formats – in all cases ‘click’ on the image.  If it is a:

  1. Single Photo: ‘Clicking’ on the image may enlarge the picture to show additional detail
  2. Slideshow: some are automatic and some are manual
    • Automatic slideshows – cycle through the slides without further action
    • Manual slideshows – ‘click’ on the right or left arrow to proceed
    • To return the Photo Gallery page ‘Click’ either outside the picture or on the ‘X’ in the upper righthand corner of the picture
  3. Video: to begin ‘click’ on the image/to stop ‘click’ on the image again

Virtually all photos were taken by Don Wood III

If you see him be sure to say, ‘Thanks’

– Highlights of our most recent Activity –

Ammo, Parts and Autos

A visit to Bob Leich’s Camdex, a manufacturer of automatic ammunition loading machines; visit with Alex & Faye Buchan at Alex’ Art in Motion bronze sculpture studio followed by a beautiful and nutritious lunch; then on to Brian Joseph’s Classic & Exotic Services to admire some of the Classics being restored for the various CCCA Grand Classics and Concours exhibits this summer.

Highlights –

2016 CCCA Annual Meeting in Novi, MI

V-16s at the 2016 CCCA Annual Meeting in Novi, MI