Our History

Sharing some history of our club - chartered by CCCA in 1956

The following is the announcement and some pictures from the August 1962 Steak Roast.  In those days it was held at the Saddle Ridge Club in Plymouth, MI

The following articles about our early years first appeared in Torque 

In The Beginning – the Michigan Region CCCA

By Wally Donoghue

The Michigan Region was chartered by CCCA in 1956. Charter members were Andrew Adler, Robert Brodie, Maurice Horger, Robert Mellin, Dale Shaeffer, Marvin Tamaroff, Bruce Thomas, John Wolihan, and Jake Zak

The following is an excerpt from Early Years in the Classic Car Club written by Wally Donoghue and published in Torque.  The complete set of three articles can be viewed:

The Michigan Region, which was chartered in 1956, held its first Grand Classic on July 13, 1957, with great excitement.  It was originally held at Greenfield Village  and they were a joint sponsor with us.  The program, published for the Grand Classic in 1957 and later years, had this statement at the bottom:   “This Midwest Grand Classic, sponsored by the Classic Car Club of America and Greenfield Village, is one of a series of special events held each year as part of the Museum’s educational program.” 

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Sixty Years and Still Going Strong!

by Bruce Thomas, Michigan Region Historian

As the Historian for the Michigan Region of the Classic Car Club of America, and as a charter member, I was well aware of 2016 being our sixtieth anniversary and had recommended to various members of the board for a “Special Meet” to commemorate it in 2016.

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when I was asked to write an article on the sixtieth anniversary and I agreed to write something.  Trying to determine what might be interesting to current day members posed a problemand I finally decided to just write what came to mind as I reflected on the old car hobby and the CCCA in particular. I personally have always been a car nut and in the 30’s had an almost complete set of diecast Tootsietoy cars (still have a few) and when I was discharged from the Navy in 1946, I went to work at a car company, Chrysler, working on a Masters Degree in Engineering.

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Sixty Years and Still Going Strong!

by Bruce Thomas, Michigan Region Historian

As the Historian for the Michigan Region of the Classic Car Club of America, and as a charter member, I was well aware of 2016 being our sixtieth anniversary and had recommended to various members of the board for a “Special Meet” to commemorate it in 2016.

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when I was asked to write an article on the sixtieth anniversary and I agreed to write something.  Trying to determine what might be interesting to current day members posed a problemand I finally decided to just write what came to mind as I reflected on the old car hobby and the CCCA in particular. I personally have always been a car nut and in the 30’s had an almost complete set of diecast Tootsietoy cars (still have a few) and when I was discharged from the Navy in 1946, I went to work at a car company, Chrysler, working on a Masters Degree in Engineering.

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