2022 MI Region – May Activity
Come Celebrate Spring in Ohio
Our host, Bill & Kathryn Shepherd will open their collection and another collection, plus lunch at the Stone Oak Country Club.
A Drive to Ohio will be led by our own Paul Ayres, former CCCA head judge and Cadillac expert, from Big Daddy’s Truck Stop in Ottawa Lake, 6055 St. Anthony’s Rd., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267, to the location in Maumee Ohio.
When: May 14th, 2022
Where: Bill & Kathryn Shepherd, 8310 Garden Road, Maumee, OH 43537 – (West of I-495, and North of I-80)
Starting: 9:30 a.m. – Gather at Big Daddy’s Truck Stop in Ottawa Lake.
9:45 a,m, – Depart for Maumee, Ohio.
10: 00 a.m. – Tour the Shepherd Collection in Maumee
11:30 a.m. – Depart for lunch at Stone Oak (map at event)
Noon – Lunch
Next Stop: 1:30 p.m. – depart to The Cauffiel Collection (map at event) – Our hosts will be Ford & Phyllis Cauffiel
Payment: $30 per person for Lunch (Italian Buffet at the Stone Oak Country Club) – (maps will be handed out at the event). Send checks to Marcus Shelley, 4300 Pine Tree Lane, Lansing, MI 48911.
RSVP BY: May 11th, 2019